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Vicki Tansey : Syncopation

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Independant Productions • Dance


Vicki Tansey, dancer & visual artist, has been living & working in the Eastern Townships for over 40 years. Born in Montreal, she studied dance from the age of nine, becoming a pioneer in the art of improvisation, & teaching in the Concordia University Dance department at its inception. In time, her involvement in the visual arts also deepened & expanded, the possibilities inherent in making art & performance allowing for an almost limitless range of interrelated & layered works. As a dancer & painter, it is the underlying essence & energy – details from the everyday – that inform & inspire all that she does. Form is movement stilled – and these forms, these dances – are held in the stillness of the painted images. The cycle – the interrelationships – are endless.

"The audience was spellbound from the moment of entry to the hall where the dancer sat motionless on a stark wooden chair on stage with a backdrop of one of her huge abstract paintings. The effect was breathtaking as were the following 60 minutes which passed without a single hesitation – silence, virtuosity, tonality, discord, frenzy, laughter, beauty, intimacy, reciprocity – You sensed that when it ended the audience, so moved by the extraordinary event they had witnessed, were loathe to leave the building and step out into the ordinary world." Susan Scott, Graphic Design, Stanbridge East, Quebec

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Vicki Tansey : Syncopation

FRI NOV 22, 2024 at 20:00

Théâtre de Lac-Brome
9, chemin du Mont-Écho, Knowlton

Independent Producer


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Theatre Lac-Brome

9, chemin du Mont-Écho
Knowlton (Québec)  J0E 1V0
