A tribute to the legendary Buena Vista Social Club, an authentic show masterfully directed by Cuban trombonist Yordan Martinez. You are invited to an entertaining evening, all in elegance, a delight for those who appreciate standards that have effortlessly transcended the test of time.
What could be more magical than the popular Cuban orchestra from Montreal, "Yordan & The Cuban Martinez Show," to provide you with a memorable evening! On stage, there are 6 talented, energetic, and collaborative musicians inviting you on a journey to their island of Cuba!
In addition to revisiting the greatest hits of the BVSC, we also offer some major classics from traditional and contemporary Cuban music!
An event filled with spontaneity that has seen unprecedented success since 2018, appealing to all lovers of world and Caribbean music.
A Christmas gift cheaper than a plane ticket and as memorable as a trip to Havana!